

Staring at the headstone, Anne held back a sob. A shiver ran down her spine. She was not sure if it was the cool autumn day, or the memory of what happened to her best friend.

Anne and Tara had planned to bike ride around the countryside when school was out for the summer. They could not wait to explore the old world historical city, where the building are made on the style of baroque. There are delicious foods, warm weather, and beautiful beaches. The streets are made of pure marble, so shiny one could see their reflection.

Tara and Anne booked a sea view room at the Excelsior hotel and everything was ready when they arrived. The service was great; it had two large bedrooms, a large living room and a huge bathroom. The terrace had a spectacular view of the old city. They unpacked and relaxed the rest of the afternoon. After which,  Anne and Tara went out on the town.

That night, they went to a club where beer and cocktails were served. They listen to music and danced most of the night. Tara had a little too much to drink, so Anne suggested that they return home. Next morning, both girls got up early to see the sights, so they rented a couple of bicycles. Soon they were off on their journey. The views were amazing.

Anne and Tara started their journey; to the right of them the mountains have towering, thin cypress trees; and to the left, one could see a clear picture of this breathtaking city. They cycled along the coast and islands, making their way around to the capital of the city. Then, they stopped at a refreshment stand not too far from the islands. There were two nice looking men getting a drink and chatting.

Meanwhile, Tara and Anne introduce themselves. They seem like nice people, and they were cycling too. Tate and Lambert were their names. They are in their early thirties and of average height and weight. Anne and Tara talked to the guys a while before they took off on their bikes again. They decided to ride together, but Tara and Lambert lagged back. They look as if they were smitten with each other.

Anne and Tate cycled ahead hoping Tara and Lambert will soon catch up. However, Tara and Lambert never did catch up since they went another way. Lambert talked Tara into going off the trail. She had second thoughts, but detoured anyway. Tara and Lambert ended up at an old abandon building that was built in the old days.

Lambert was very nice to Tara, until they went inside the building, then he got very hostile and rough. He started kissing on Tara, she resisted him, and that made him angry. He tried to kiss her again and she slap him in the face. By this time, Anne and Tate were worried about their friends. They did not ride any further, until they heard from them.

Anne called Tara’s cell phone, but did not get an answer. She was very worried. Then, Tate call his friend Lambert and he answered the phone and swears everything was all right, and that he and Tara are on their way. Moments after Lambert finished talking to Tate, he apologize to Tara and they both left the abandon building and made their way back to where their friends were.

On their way back, Lambert tried to force his attentions on Tara again,   however, she was not interested and rode up ahead of him, as Tara was still angry with him for the way he acted before. Then, Lambert was further behind Tara. It seems as if Lambert cannot control himself when it comes to Tara.

The countryside is covered with two-lane roads, and quiet views, one has to watch out for traffic because cars zoom by so quickly. Tara and Lambert caught up with Anne and Tate. They thought there was enough excitement for one day, so Tara and Anne decided to go back to the hotel and try it again tomorrow.

Just as they started, back to the hotel a large truck came whizzing by and hit Tara from behind. She flew up in the air, hit the ground, and died from her injuries. Everyone was in shock. Anne was hysterical. Tate and Lambert tried to calm her, but to no avail. Anne blames herself for Tara’s death. She thinks if they would have kept going to enjoy the sites, then maybe Tara might still be alive.

Months later, life became a little more bearable for Anne. She realized life is unpredictable, and there was nothing she could do, to stop what happened to Tara. All she knows is that it had been worth it to know her. At least that is something.

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